Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Depression Exists.

I think one of the worst thing you can tell someone with depression is that they don't have depression, or the "its all in your head". Like seriously no duh its all in our head?! And that is something you will never see or understand. The problem with close minded people, is that it doesn't end with the anti-LGBT, racists, or sexists aspects. There is no accepting what you don't know for a lot of people. Mental illness, IS an illness. Just because you can't see it or feel it doesn't mean it isn't real.
Its completely heartbreaking being told by someone I adore more than words can say that depression isn't real, or that "people that are 'like that' will get their kids taken away." Nothing in my life completes me or makes me feel any where near as much joy as my children. I have kept my depression in the dark for 9 years. Recently, I woke up one morning and decided, I am not going to keep going on living this way. I have far to much to live for and though I love, cherish, and appreciate everything I have, I can't kick this darkness in my mind. So I loaded up my three perfect children, and drove to a walk in clinic and asked for help. Before it was too late. And help is what I have got. Though I am only about 5 weeks in, I am so thankful I hit that point in my life where up was the only way to go. The clinic helped get me a doctor, and prescribed me a temporary medication until we can find something that works for me in the long run. They also set me up with a counseling program, I have an amazing counselor who listens and talks, and has helped me build up ways to cope and is there for any help I may need. But I guess society doesn't think any of this okay, because before anyone knew those deep dark thoughts, I was so amazing. This sad girl, hiding behind a fake smile everyday living to make the world around me brighter. Because now that I have opened up, told the world my feelings, the feelings I NEVER chose to have. The feelings I was cursed with. Everyone looks at me a different way. And though my counselor tells me how crazy I really am NOT. I feel a little crazier every day. I just think the world should know that you never have to keep your feelings in the dark. It IS okay to reach out and find the help you want and deserve. Don't hide in fear of your feelings because 'you'll get your kids taken away' You aren't crazy, you are getting help! That should show more than anything how much you care! The world we live in can really be as dark as a persons mind can get. Don't make someone who is suffering already suffer more because you are close minded and can't believe in or stand behind someone that is suffering with something you don't understand. Understanding doesn't make it real. Depression exists.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

What have I been up to? (Sept 2013 - Getting ready to move!)

This month I have spend day after day working hard to get everything, 
furniture/decor wise, ready for our new house! (plus some other fun stuff for friends!)

Queen size headboard for the master bedroom! (Everything for my room is pretty much black and white)

DIY Pallet Bookshelf for the boy's bedroom! (Red and Blue are main colors!)

Nightstand for Master bedroom! Keeping an eye out for something similar to make a second one!

I have an issue letting plain wood go to waste! ;) lol

Got this free dresser before it got dumped at the goodwill! Top two drawers were busted, I fixed on, and turned the top into a shelf, This will be the tv stand/dresser in the master bedroom. I love black and white!

Top picture shows the crib when I had it up for my nephew, I turned into a princess canopy crib for my Moo girl! Can't wait to get pictures when her room is complete! So anxious!

My neighbors are having a baby girl in the next few months, All of her stuff is animal print, so they bought the supplies and I turned their plain old white dresser into this! (Bad picture since I took it at night!)

Just working on another project! Can't decide if the boys need this in their room or if I should turn it into a TV Stand and put it in the living room!

Helped a friend put this one together for her room! Cheetah print drawers on a black dresser!

I wish I took a before picture! Turned an ugly old filing cabinet (i scored free!) into this fun cute one for my photography studio! I love purple and I love bright colors!

Painted this Frankenstein for my neighbors little boy! He loves Frankenstein! But I plan to do a 'Frankenstein, ghost, Mummy, and a pumpkin for our new front yard!

Red nightstand for the boys' room! 

Small dresser turned into Vanity! We just scored the mirror for it today from goodwill for 7.99 so I will get more pictures of that posted once its finished and we get moved in! Can't wait!